Monthly Archives: September 2018

What’s Up With My A/C ?

Air conditioners are necessary for maintaining the inside temperature of a car. However, this machinery can break down at any time and can be very annoying. You must remain calm and focus on eliminating the issue. Once the problem is evident, you can choose the best solution for it. The following is a brief summary of the possible situations and plausible causes you might find yourself in while dealing with you car air conditioner. Car Air Conditioner Weak Air Flow There can be several reasons behind it. For instance, mold or mildew from residual moisture might have accumulated in the evaporator core. It occurs during the cooling process. Such accumulation stops the airflow from reaching the air vents of the car, therefore, it must be cleaned up. Sometimes, the air hose could be loosened. Tightening it up a little can help. Additionally, the ventilation fan can be an issue, which would require a change. The evaporator core case seals, blower house seals, and core case ... read more



Preventative Maintenance You Should Practice

Automotive Maintenance Tips for Your Vehicle Sky-high car repairing costs can be a real headache. Probably the only solution to this problem is conducting preventive maintenance on a regular basis. It will not merely save you a hefty sum of money in the long run by avoiding repair costs, but will keep your ride in a good shape as well. The following are the 9 key car tune-up services you should never overlook. 1. Get Your Battery Terminals Cleaned Long road trips in hot weather conditions can negatively impact the efficiency of your battery. By cleaning the terminals of your battery you can elongate its life and achieve maximum performance. Fortunately, performing this task is effortless. All you need to do is cut off the cables carefully and shower a small amount of baking soda directly on all terminals. Lightly spray water over them and allow this paste ... read more

