
The Importance of Coolant/Antifreeze Within Your Engine

Coolant (antifreeze) mixes with water in a car's radiator and helps to prevent the liquid from freezing and boiling within your engine. Your engine's cooling system is vital for the vehicle's overall health. Considering the amount of heat energy generated by burning gasoline within the engine, the engine's cooling system has a direct role in whether or not the car functions properly. The mixture of antifreeze within the engine lowers the temperature at which water freezes. Because of this, your internal engine fluids can remain liquid well into negative temperatures. While oil is important for an engine's overall livelihood, coolant is equally necessary to keep everything running at optimum temperature. More on Coolant The coolant in your vehicle's cooling system needs to be inspected every so often to protect against corrosion. While the main component of antifreeze does not “expire”, any additives to prevent decomposition eventually do. This is why many c ... read more



Replacing a Bad or Failing Water Pump

Does your Water Pump need replacing? The water pump is a primary component of the engine's cooling system. When it works properly, your vehicle will maintain a consistent temperature and run smoothly. When the water pump begins to show signs of wear, or fails, it can lead to complete engine failure. Common signs of wear include shaft leaks at the front-center of the car, loose water pump pulley, an overheating engine, and steam rising from the radiator. How it Works The water pump circulates coolant between the engine and radiator in order to keep the engine from overheating. Your water pump is an impeller pump designed to increase pressure and flow of water throughout the system. The impeller is mounted on a shaft supported by the pump housing, and typically located towards the front of the engine. It is operated by the engine's drive belt, and as the belt turns, the pump turns. The blades on the pump power coolant through the engine and back to the radiator to be cooled by a forced ... read more



Why is my car stalling?

We have all been there. It’s the end of a long day, your sitting in traffic, and then your engine begins to make a strange sound. Then, it’s dead. Car engines stall and then quit because of a variety of issues involving air flow, fuel, and mechanics. When your engine stalls, it’s not only an uncomfortable event, but it can also cause unnecessary wear to your vehicle, and in some situations it can even be dangerous. Diagnosing the cause of a stalling engine may seem complicated, but the truth is that all modern engines operate on the same basic principals. We highlighted some additional information below. Diagnosing a Stalled Engine Before attempting any diagnosis, review any recent work you’ve done or had done on the vehicle. This includes even something simple like changing your oil or other fluids. Evaluate the area in the engine compartment for any connectors or parts that you may have moved or displaced. Some common reasons for motor vehicle stalls include: An empty gas tank A fue ... read more



All About Fuel Economy

Fuel economy is the relationship between distance traveled and amount of gas used. When studying fuel economy, different methods are used to evaluate the actual performance of the vehicle. Our vehicles fluctuate in fuel economy because of make/model design and personal driving habits. There are many design implications that impact a vehicle's fuel economy, such as size, shape, engine, & purpose. We at Saddleback Automotive want to help you get more bang for your buck and have provided tips on how to improve your vehicle's fuel economy below. How to Improve Your Fuel Economy Avoid excessive acceleration or braking. Drive calmly. Sudden jerky stops negatively affect your fuel economy. Four wheel drive vehicles should only be put in 4WD when necessary. Engaging all four wheels increases the amount of power (fuel) needed to power your vehicle. If you are driving your 4WD on flat surfaces, try to leave your vehicle in 2WD mode for improved fuel economy. Try to avoid &l ... read more



Why We Need an Oil Change

A recent study by the Car Care Council of the Be Car Care Aware campaign stated that 22% of vehicles have low or dirty engine oil. Being aware of when to change your vehicles' oil and filter is key to keeping it at its' best and for preventing costly repairs down the road. Proper oil maintenance will help to extend the life of your vehicle. Even if you don't drive that often, contaminants can create sludge, and sludge is what leads to engine failure. When trying to decide when to change your oil, the first step should always be to check your owner's manual. This will tell you what type of oil your car needs and how much it takes. Changing Your Oil As mentioned above, if you are not sure what type of oil your vehicle takes, an online search or review of the owner's manual is recommended. This will help you avoid putting in too much, too little, or the wrong viscosity oil. Changing your motor oil is a must for a variety of reasons and below we have highlighted some of th ... read more

